With the repercussion of several European leagues giving the green light to the return of football, such as the Bundesliga, Brazilian football is trying to find ways to resume the sport as well.
According to information from BFC, the security protocol regarding the return of football already antecipates doping, medical services and the safety of those involved.
The concrete idea of BFC is for clubs to return by the end of July, thus beginning the month of August normally. However, the date is a supposed forecast, as the BFC still awaits the green light from the Health's Ministry among other Brazilian security entities. We know that the matches will have their gates closed, with one team entering the field before the other in the process of avoiding crowds. All players will have to go through an exam 48h before any match.
The people involved will be extremely few, as will the press. Referees will be regional only, thus avoiding travel from one place to another. The VAR will be remote, with the referee in a separate room in the stadium.
BFC is currently planning a new meeting on Monday (18th) to continue discussing the future of football in the country.
“The noise of silence is the new key that we will see in football. The hug, the celebration, will not exist. There is a plan for it [not spitting], but there is no fine. You will have options, stations if you need to blow your nose. Alcohol gel to sterilize the hand" - Communicated BFC's leader.
Brazilian football may return in August
"The concrete idea of CBF is for clubs to return by the end of July, thus starting the month of August normally."
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