Ending the Q3 of 2021, IBIA reported 65 suspicious bets to the governing authorities of the scope. The International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA) mentioned that this Q3 of 2021 there was a reduction in alerts, as the third quarter of 2020 had closed with 76 alerts referring to suspicious bets.
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In the disclosure of the IBIA, the entity reported that in this third quarter of 2021 there were 23 cases of suspicious bets related to the sport of tennis, 18 suspicious bets on football, 17 suspicious bets on table tennis, 2 suspicious bets on electronic sports, and one bet suspicion regarding the modalities of handball, cricket, squash, basketball and futsal.
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According to information, IBIA reported that the Europe region had the most suspicious bets in this third quarter of 2021. In the informed perspective, about 60% of suspicious bets were made in Europe. Asia, on the other hand, followed with 15%, while Africa had 12% of suspicious bets.
Commenting on the matter, IBIA CEO Khalid Ali said: "The 65 cases in Q3 brings the nine-month total to 167 alerts, a 17% decrease on the same point in 2020 with 202 alerts. Tennis provided the highest number of alerts during the first three quarters with 47, followed by football with 46, table tennis 33 and esports with 25 cases. These four sports made up 90% of alerts reported in the first nine-months."
Furthermore, in his speech, Ali argued that having an international body that monitors these irregularities is of extreme benefit to the market. With that in mind, Ali welcomes authorities who have now required all betting operators, who have licenses, to issue their monitoring on suspicious bets.
"The benefits of being part of an international integrity monitoring body continue to be recognised; the association welcomes the decision of the Ontario authorities to require all licensed betting operators to be part of an integrity monitoring body, a position which is already in force in the recently opened market in the Netherlands. IBIA members are well-placed in those markets."
Some other important data was revealed in this IBIA report for the Q3 of 2021. In the release, IBIA revealed that 28 different countries warned of suspicious bets. The data also indicated that 23 alerts were issued through the countries of Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia. As for the number of sports, this third quarter of 2021 suffered from 9 different sports alerts reported. Finally, 6 alerts were reported about a sporting event in the Americas.
Despite this, in the Q2 of 2021 there were a number of 38 alerts about suspicious bets reported. At the time, Ali had disclosed the following: "The 38 cases in Q2 added to the 64 cases in Q1 brings the mid-year total to 102 alerts reported by the association. Football has provided the highest number of alerts during that period with 28, followed by tennis (24) and eSports (23). These three sports comprise nearly 75% of all alerts reported in the first half of 2021."
In the Q2 of 2021 data, IBIA had 15 countries involved in the report: "This number may be revised in the future, depending on the outcome of any ongoing investigations." However, in this period, Ali compared the episode to the year 2020, emphasizing that "18 were reported in the Q1 of 2021 and 26 in the Q2 of 2020".
In his speech in the second quarter, Ali noted that IBIA has been working hard to monitor these irregularities: “IBIA’s expanding membership means that, as set out in the recently published Optimum Betting Market report, it now represents US$137 billion in global regulated betting turnover per annum, making it the largest customer-based integrity platform in the world with nearly 50% of the commercial online market."
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